A recognized institution advocating for improved quality and access to education by all citizens.
Leading CSO in Education and Skills sector!
Influencing the education sector through continued policy engagement through stronger membership participation strategies.
Quality and Inclusive education for all!
A sustainable and inclusive education system that responds to national aspirations and fosters an environment for self-fulfillment.
Volunteerism is one of our Values
Selflessness and passion for reason for existence!
Transparency and Accountability!
Promoting and acting with the utmost integrity and responsible to the vision and mission of the organization.
Universal Right to Quality Education
Education is a right to every child, youth and adult regardless of gender, geographic divide, social and economic status.
Equity and Inclusiveness!
Education should be equitably accessible and relevant to all. “No one should be left behind” Regardless of ability, gender, vulnerability such the poor and rural communities.
Value for Money!
Cost effectiveness with high sense of result orientation.