Who is Zambia National Education Coalition?

ZANEC was established as a coalition by civil society actors who saw the need for a common platform to promote and advocate for EFA goals.  As such, it is a national coalition of civil society comprising Community Based Organizations (CBOs), Faith Based Organizations (FBO’s), Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) and Teachers Trade Unions (TTUs) and recently Student Unions working to enhance advocacy for the provision of quality education in Zambia. The membership of ZANEC currently stands at eighty- one (81) Member Organizations spread around the country.

The Coalition is guided by its constitution, with supreme powers being vested in the General Assembly comprising all Member Organizations .A Board is elected at the General Assembly held every two (2) years for a four (4) year term and subject to a second (2nd) term. The Board is responsible for providing policy guidance, initiating policy formulation or review as well as providing oversight to the Secretariat. Education Sub-Sector Committees are aligned to the Zambian Education System and chaired by five Board Members specifically mandated to do so among others. The Education committees are a deliberate strategy to facilitate Member Organizations influence on defining the Coalitions advocacy positions and to facilitate best practice sharing and learning across the Coalition. A full time Secretariat comprising twelve (12) members of staff facilitates and coordinates the operations of the Coalition.

Since its establishment, ZANEC has over the years gained recognition as the leading Civil Society Organization in the education and skills sector. This recognition is derived from its evidence based advocacy work, which has won it space in the sector high level education platforms. Consequently, ZANEC represents CSO’s on the Policy Implementation Technical Committee (PITC) and signs the outcome document (Aide Memoir) of the Joint Annual Review on behalf of CSO’s. In addition to the foregoing, ZANEC has created and strengthened its national presence through the creation of Provincial Focal Points and consolidated its membership to regional and global networks such as the African Network Campaign for Education for All (ANCEFA) and the Global Campaign for Education (GCE).

In order to enhance its coordination function and make visible its national character, ZANEC has put in place Member Provincial Focal Points (PFPs) in Central,  Copperbelt, Eastern, Luapula, Muchinga, Northern, North-Western, Southern, and Western Provinces to facilitate member engagement at that level.  In keeping with  the  ZANEC 2020 Strategy in 2017 ZANEC has planned  to consolidate its voice mandate  in influencing the education sector through continued policy engagement through stronger membership participation  strategies  especially at the provincial and district levels. The current Strategic Plan runs from 2021 to 2025.

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