Education Sub Sectors

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The Education Subsector Committees

Education Subsector Committees are aligned to the National Education and Skills Sub-sectors and chaired by Five (5) Board of Governors specially elected to do so every four years at the General Assembly. It is composed of Member Organisations. The Committees are deliberately designed to facilitate the participation of Member Organisations in Coalition activities. The participation of Member Organisations in Coalition activities is through ZANEC Education Sub-Sector Committees and the Provincial Focal Points.

The ZANEC Sub-Sector Committees are as follow

1. Early Childhood Care, Development and Education (ECCDE)

2. Basic Education  (Primary and Secondary School)

3. Skills and Tertiary Education

4. Youth, Adult Literacy and Education

5. Gender Equality and Equity

The functions of the sub sector committee are as follows:

i) Monitor developments in the education sector related to their sub sector and design and implement advocacy programmes based on the overall ZANEC advocacy strategy;

ii) Monitor and evaluate activities of education and skills sub sector in order to identify the gaps in their field;

iii)  Provide input at Education Sub sector Committee level, into the overall ZANEC  effort of engaging in government education policy formulation and implementation;

vi)  Be a forum for  civil society dialogue on education and skills sub sector related issues to facilitate common understanding and approach to education development and partnership building with each other and other stakeholders in education and skills sector;

v)  Facilitate participation of identified individual Education and Skills Committee members in national education  programmes;

vi) Monitor government  performance in and commitment to education and skills development related to the Education Subsector Committee areas;

vii) Identify capacity needs of Education Subsector Committee members and advise ZANEC Secretariat on appropriate action for capacity enhancement;

viii) Hold periodic national symposia to facilitate interaction between civil society and the general public and other players in education.

The Subsector Committees meet at least once every quarter.

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