The Zambia National Education Coalition (ZANEC) is a network of Civil Society Organizations registered under the Registrar of Societies Act on 3rd July, 2002 on certificate number ORS/102/35/2581. The organization currently has sixty-seven (67) Member Organizations comprising of Community Based Organizations, Faith Based Organizations, Non-Governmental Organizations, Student Unions and Teacher Trade Unions.
The organization’s mandate is to coordinate civil society advocacy for quality, equitable and inclusive education for all Zambians.
ZANEC’s vision is ‘A sustainable and inclusive education system that responds to national aspirations and fosters an environment for self-fulfillment. The mission of the Coalition is to promote quality and inclusive education for all, through influencing of policy, building consensus, holding duty bearers accountable, and strengthening the capacities of stakeholders in the education sector.
ZANEC with support from DANIDA through Plan International Zambia intends to do a video documentary on the documentation of the score card in Chadiza and Vubwi Districts in Eastern Province.
Zambia over the years has seen unprecedented growth in the number of students seeking higher education in public & private universities. Public universities are shrouded in high lecture, student ratios, little or more so no money for research and development let alone resources for management and administrative support. Most recently some private universities and colleges have been challenged with matters of unqualified staff and poor service delivery. According to the ZANEC Status of Education report 2016, public universities are legally supposed to be autonomous and self-sustaining, they have continued to suffer from chronic budget deficits due to high operational costs coupled with large administrative and management costs. According to The World Bank Group (2015:7) “there is almost five times more nonacademic staff in the public universities per student than at the sampled private universities”. As a result, public universities are unable to attract funding from the private sector. Instead, they are heavily dependent on government funding which is also inadequate to ensure the delivery of quality education. This scenario is the genesis of public institutions challenge to provide quality education in Zambian higher institutions of learning. The failure to be self-sustaining is the breeding ground for compromised provision of quality education and the ultimate realization of Academic Freedoms.
ZANEC has been advocating for increased access, quality service delivery and promotion of Academic Freedoms through SAIH funding since 2013. The project focused on promotion of access to higher education through advocacy for an operational Loans and Scholarship Scheme, promotion of Academic Freedoms among students and lecturers, Strengthening the capacity of Students’ Unions for effective governance and engagement.
Higher Institutions of learning in the Country have continued to be downgraded on the international rankings. It is envision that this documentary will bring bare the key challenges and issues that these institutions face with the view to advocate for improved provision of education services in the institutions.
2.1 Objective
- 1. Create an advocacy tool that will create awareness on the state of education in Higher Learning Institutions in Zambia.
2.2 Specific Objectives:
- To produce video documentary that will raise awareness on the status of education in Higher Learning Institutions.
- Facilitate for the voices of the students and that of education service providers to be heard.
Specifically the following will be the tasks:
- Work with the ZANEC Secretariat Staff to agree on content.
- Capture agreed upon institutions.
- Conduct key video interviews with the government officials from the ministry of Higher Education, Lecturer and Student Union Leadership, Student from both Private and Public Higher Institutions. Project partners and key stakeholders of education on the good school project.
- Recording of learning environments and processes.
The assignment is expected to be completed within thirty (30) working days timeframes to be jointly agreed between the ZANEC Secretariat and the Consultant, with the following deliverables.
- 8 days filming of the video documentary
- 5 days production of the video documentary
- 14th day draft video documentary presented to ZANEC and project partners
- 16th Day final video documentary delivered to ZANEC.
- The consultant must have more than three (3) years of experience in video documentary production.
- Proven track record in video documentary production.
- Knowledge in video shooting, documentary and production.
Deadline for applications is the close of business on 23rd October, 2018
The Executive Director
Zambia National Education Coalition (ZANEC)
Baptist Fellowship Building
Conner of Makishi and Great East Road,
Plot 3061/2
Lusaka, Zambia
Telephone number +26011226422
Mobile: +260976198152
Or email: director@zanec.org.zm /
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