The Zambia National Education Coalition (ZANEC) is a network of Civil Society Organizations registered under the Registrar of Societies Act on 3rd July, 2002 on certificate number ORS/102/35/2581. The organization currently has seventy (70) Member Organizations comprising of Community Based Organizations, Faith Based Organizations, Non-Governmental Organizations and Teacher Trade Unions.
The organization’s mandate is to coordinate civil society advocacy for quality, equitable and inclusive education for all Zambians. ZANEC’s focus is therefore on national plans and international frameworks that advance education in Zambia. Particularly, the Coalition takes interest in the provision of quality education services.
Zambia over the years has seen unprecedented growth in the number of students seeking higher education in public universities. Public universities are shrouded in high lecture, student ratios, little or more so no money for research and development let alone resources for management and administrative support.
Institutions of Higher Learning like UNZA as a case in point have seen the design and implementation of their learning process change; where tutorials which are an individualized teaching/learning process intended to mentor, assess and broaden critical thinking outside the ordinary lecture room are phasing out due to large class sizes. According to the Public Relations and International Liaison Manager at University of Zambia, the University Student Population stands at over 30, 000 and yet operating with the same infrastructure as when it was established in 1966 with a student population of 312. Extension programmes to expand existing infrastructure is not matched with the required resources. Higher Institution of Learning like UNZA are characterized by overcrowded lecture rooms in a bid to bridge its resource gap and finance the institution. This in turn significantly compromises the quality of learning needed for students to make any meaningful contribution to society. In addition, there are no deliberate policies or initiatives to ensure inclusivity is taken into consideration, in line with the country’s Seventh National Development Plan which states that “No one should be left behind”. The foregoing is a clear indication of how the increasing student population does not match staffing levels hence directly impacting on academic freedoms and quality of education received in Institutions of Higher Learning.
To provide ten (10) students with an opportunity to enhance the level of research skills.
- Support identified students to conduct research on topical issues for the academic year 2019 so as to promote critical thinking.
- Utilize the research findings to enrich ZANEC’s advocacy on the promotion and upholding of inclusive societies and support Academic Freedoms in Institutions of Higher Learning.
Successful applicants will conduct academic style research on Academic Freedoms in Zambia. Preference will be given to research topics focused on female participation, Academic Freedom and inclusive societies.
- Submit research proposal expressing interest in conducting the research( as per provided guiding notes);
- Carry out Academic research in a period of not more than two months (strictly).
- Work with identified consultant to enrich research and facilitate for capacity enhancement.
- Timely submission of complete research document after two months research work.
- Submit to ZANEC a soft copy of final research report and submit 2 copies of well bound documents.
- Must be a second or third year student at an institution of Higher Learning (University or College).
NB: All expressions of interest must be submitted through post, email or hand delivery to the address below by Wednesday, 17th May, 2019.
The Executive Director,
Zambia National Education Coalition,
Baptist Fellowship Building,
Plot 3061/2 Corner Makishi Road and Great East Road,
P.O. Box 30774,
Email: admin@zanec.org.zm
Guiding Notes for Student Research Papers
Academic research requires a thorough investigation into the body of literature that has been published – and sometimes even unpublished – about a given topic. You must examine and refer to scholarly sources when completing academic assignments (unless otherwise indicated by your instructor to be identified by ZANEC).
Your submitted research proposals should include but not limited to:
- Research Topic
- Statement of the problem
- Purpose (objectives of the study)
- Specific objective/s
- Methodology
- Literature Review
- Hypothesis
- Definition of terms
- Assumptions
Kindly note the above is a guide to ensure that your proposal follows structure.
Topics to be considered for ZANEC supported research:
- Female Participation and inclusion in leadership roles in Institutions of Higher Learning.
- Academic Freedoms
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