Evaluation of the Zambia National Education Coalition (ZANEC) Strategic Plan 2016-2020
ZANEC is looking for a suitably qualified consultant to conduct an evaluation of the impact of its Strategic Plan. The evaluation is intended to among other things, inform stakeholders on how the Coalition has grown since the last evaluation and its achievements over the 2016-2020 strategic period.
- Purpose and Objectives of the Evaluation
The purpose of the evaluation is to assess the progress and performance of the ZANEC programmes and activities under the current Strategic Plan; identify factors that contribute to the organisation’s successful implementation of the Strategic Plan; identify the nature and magnitude of constraints that affected the effective implementation of the ZANEC programmes and activities; inform stakeholders including cooperating partners whether or not ZANEC is making a significant contribution towards quality education service delivery; and to make appropriate recommendations for the future growth and focus of ZANEC.
Evaluation Objectives
The objectives of the evaluation are:
- To assess the performance of ZANEC over the last 5 years since the commencement of the current Strategic Plan, including defining its strengths and weaknesses and providing recommendations to consolidate the strengths and mitigate the weaknesses;
- To define clear objectives concerning the strengthening of ZANEC within the context of the changing operating environment in Zambia; and
- To identify the necessary human resources (profiles, etc.) in order to operationalise the objectives and provide proposals for an improved organisational structure.
- Scope of the Evaluation
The scope of the evaluation includes all ZANEC programmes and activities implemented from 2016 to date. The evaluation should assess the organisation as a whole and address the aspects outlined in the terms of reference (for detailed ToRs go to the ZANEC website www.zanec.org.zm or the ZANEC facebook page).
- Methodology
- The review will be carried out using relevant documents (desk review) and selected stakeholder consultations and interviews.
- At the end of the desk review period, the Evaluator will prepare a brief inception/concept document indicating the Evaluator’s understanding of the assignment; the proposed methodological approach for the evaluation; the evaluation instruments; and the work plan and budget, to be discussed and approved by ZANEC prior to the commencement of the field trips.
- The evaluation instruments prepared by the Evaluator(s) will indicate further selected specific aspects to be addressed. The evaluation instruments should identify the priority aspects to be addressed in the evaluation.
- The Evaluator will work to the highest evaluation standards and Code of Conduct.
- Expressions of Interest
All applicants must source the detailed Terms of Reference from the ZANEC website www.zanec.org.zm and the Zambia National Education Coalition facebook page. All Expressions of Interest must respond to the following:
- Credibility/track record/experience;
- Understanding and interpretation of assignment/requirements;
- Quality assurance;
- Time frame for delivery;
Proposed budget with a breakdown
The profile of the Evaluator should include:
- Masters’ degree in education, research, Monitoring and Evaluation or relevant field;
- Experience in working on education issues in Zambia;
- Experience in working on civil society issues in Zambia;
- Experience in the designing, management and evaluation of development programmes and activities, in particular with policy level work, institution building and local development projects;
All proposals must be submitted through email or hand delivered to the address below by Friday, 17th April, 2020.
The Executive Director,
Zambia National Education Coalition (ZANEC),
Baptist Fellowship Building,
Plot 3061/2 Corner Makishi and Great East Road,
P.O. Box 30774,
Email: infoHR@zanec.org.zm
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