Consultancy to Produce Shadow reports on status of government adherence to GPE replenishment commitments
Zambia is a recipient of the Global Partnership for Education (GPE) fund which supports national education plans as a strategy to meet the global education goals. The Global Partnership for Education is a consortium of international organisations and countries that contribute funds into a basket to support achievement of international education goals through national interventions in developing countries. However, the support from GPE is contingent upon the commitment exhibited by the receiving country to both support education and uphold high levels of fiscal prudence and accountability in utilisation of the funds.
In order to systematically finance the education sector, the GPE convenes meetings to analyse trends and the needs of the sector. They also use this platform to make pledges to enhance support to education.
At the UN General Assembly in September 2017, world leaders gathered at the ‘Financing the Future: Education 2030’ event and pledged their support to education, in particular to GPE’s replenishment. This strong support from civil society and the influence of individual champions made 2017 a defining year for global education, with GPE’s replenishment presenting an opportunity to deliver a substantive outcome. On February 1 and 2, 2018, the GPE Financing Conference took place in Dakar, Senegal, co-hosted by Macky Sall, President of Senegal, and Emmanuel Macron, President of France. The GPE replenishment 2018-2020 marked the beginning of a new era in education financing to reverse the trend of declining aid for education. It created the opportunity to show a new commitment not just to the children of the developing world but to global security and prosperity. The replenishment campaign for 2018-2020 presented an opportunity to raise the funds needed to implement GPE’s 2020 partnership strategic plan and to increase global education financing to ensure SDG 4 can be met. At the event, developing countries pledged US$110 billion for education for 2018-2020, while donors pledged a total of US$2.5 billion to the 3rd GPE replenishment. The next GPE replenishment meeting is scheduled for 2021.
Rationale of Assignment
In order to access the GPE funds, the receiving country is expected to make a pledge of how they will support the education sector in their country to achieve the education goals. In the last GPE replenishment meeting held on 2nd February 2018, Zambia pledged to invest ZMW 29,800,000,000 for the period 2018-2020 (globalpartnership.org/funding/replenishment/2018-pledges).
In the next Replenishment Meeting, countries will be expected to report on their adherence to the pledges made as well as report on the utilisation of GPE funds. It is for this reason that ZANEC, with support of the Global Partnership for Education, through Oxfam IBIS, would like to develop a shadow report on the Zambian Government’s adherence to the GPE conditions and the utilization of the funds so far received from GPE.
Research Objective:
To develop a shadow report of the Zambian government’s adherence to the pledges they made during the last replenishment meeting as well as to provide a civil society perspective of the utilization and benefits/impact of the GPE funds in promoting quality education in Zambia.
Scope of Work
The consultant is expected to conduct the following tasks:
- Conduct desk review of the annual pledges in comparison with the actual government support to the national Education and Skills Sector Budget;
- Conduct key informant interviews with stakeholders in the Ministry of
- Finance, Ministry of General Education (including school level sources), Ministry of Higher Education and other relevant line Ministries and key stakeholders on the efficiency of the annual pledges and the thematic areas supported. In light of the global Covid 19 situation, it is highly recommended that these interviews are conducted through Survey Monkey, telephone, skype or any other efficient modes of communication other than physical meetings;
- Conduct a review of Zambia’s utilisation of GPE funds and the impact this has had in achieving international and national education sector goals over the years;
- The consultant will be expected to make reference to existing research on performance of the past GPE funds, including ZANEC research conducted in 2018 Develop a report with key recommendations on future national pledges and thematic areas of priority, utilisation of GPE pledges, upholding fiscal discipline and ensuring social accountability of education sector funds, among other key issues.
Key deliverables:
The consultancy is for a period of 10 days and will have the following deliverables:
- An inception report with questionnaires for the various target groups
- First Draft Report to be submitted to ZANEC Secretariat for feedback
- Final Shadow Report
Required Competencies
- Must have at minimum a Master’s Degree in Education or related field.
- Proven experience and track record in research.
- Proven knowledge of the GPE processes and national education plans
- Strong communication skills in both oral and written English.
- Ability to devote full time to the assignment and meet deadlines.
Expressions of Interest must demonstrate the following:
- Credibility/track record of similar work/relevant experience
- Understanding and interpretation of assignment/requirements
- Quality assurance
- Time frame for delivery (work plan)
- Proposed fees
All proposals must be submitted through the provided email address by Friday, 15th May, 2020.
The Executive Director,
Zambia National Education Coalition (ZANEC),
Baptist Fellowship Building,
Plot 3061/2 Corner Makishi and Great East Road,
P.O. Box 30774,
Email: admin@zanec.org.zm and infoHR@zanec.org.zm
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