1.0 Introduction
The Zambia National Education Coalition (ZANEC) is a Non-Governmental Organisation established in 2002 to coordinate the national efforts of education based non-state actors and education trade unions to work in partnership with the Zambian government and other stakeholders in the attainment of national and international education goals. It is an umbrella organization with a membership of 78 Civil Society Organizations. The core business of ZANEC is to influence quality education service delivery through advocacy, policy engagement, research, promoting social accountability, member capacity building and networking.
Since its formation, ZANEC has been working based on strategic plans agreed upon by its Member Organisations with input from other education sector stakeholders. The current 2016 -2020 Strategic Plan comes to an end in December, 2020. The Coalition is therefore calling for consultancy services to facilitate the development of the next Strategic Plan that will give ZANEC the strategic direction for the period 2021 – 2025.
2.0 Purpose and Objective
The purpose of the consultancy is to facilitate the development of a new Strategic Plan, taking into consideration lessons learnt, challenges and recommendations arising from the experience gained and the strategic plan evaluations conducted.
3.0 Scope of Work
The consultant is expected to facilitate the development of a Strategic Plan through a consultative process anchored on a well-articulated context analysis, strategies and strategic objectives for the operationalization of the ZANEC mission for the next five years. The current strategic plan evaluation report will play major role in informing the direction that ZANEC will decide to take in the next strategic plan.
Specifically, the consultant will be expected to do the following:
- To facilitate consultations among key stakeholders to candidly review ZANEC past operations and recommend the proposed future of the organization;
- To design a consultative workshop programme that will ensure development of a relevant and realistic overall organizational goal, strategic direction, indicators and outputs that will guide ZANEC operations for the period 2021 – 2025;
- To facilitate a Strategic Planning Consultative Workshop for ZANEC members and other education stakeholders;
- To guide stakeholders towards the development of the direction and theme for the new strategic period;
- To synthesize the proceedings of the consultative processes and the Strategic Planning Workshop into a well articulated, concise and practical 5 year Strategic Plan;
- To initiate the developing of the 2021 Annual Plans and Budgets with Member Organisations and;
- To submit a satisfactory draft and final Strategic Plan Document to the Secretariat by agreed upon dates.
4.0 Specific Deliverables
- Detailed inception report with a work plan, including a list of documents to be reviewed and proposed Strategic Plan format/structure
- Stakeholders consultative workshop report
- First draft strategic plan to be submitted to the Board of Governors’ Administrative Committee for review
- Second draft strategic plan based on feedback
- Final Strategic Plan document to be submitted by a date to be agreed upon during the inception meeting and to be reflected in the Inception Report
- 2 paged summary highlighting the major highlights of the Strategic Plan
- A presentation of the Strategic Plan to ZANEC Secretariat and Board Members
5.0 Qualifications
- Must at least possess a Masters’ Degree in Social Sciences, Education, Gender or equivalent;
- Must have proven experience in organizational strategic planning
- Working experience with civil society organizations in Zambia
- Must have expertise in organizational development processes
- Knowledge in education and gender issues
- Knowledge in overall national development issues
- Good writing and facilitation skills
6.0 Time Frame
The consultant is expected to work for a period of 15 working days spread according to a deliverables-based work plan. The period includes planning and delivery of all stated deliverables.
7.0 Closing Date
*** Expressions of Interest must be accompanied by a resume detailing experiences with similar work; provide evidence of one or two similar works done with traceable references; provide an understanding/interpretation of the Terms of Reference, methodology with set timeframes and the proposed fees.
Interested consultants should submit Expressions of Interest not later than Monday, 21st September 2020 at 17:00hours:
The Executive Director,
Zambia National Education Coalition,
Baptist Fellowship Building,
Plot 3061/2 Corner Makishi and Great East Road,
P.O. Box 30774,
Email: admin@zanec.org.zm; director@zanec.zm; information@zanec.org.zm; programmes@zanec.zm
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