The Zambia National Education Coalition (ZANEC)’s core mandate is to conduct evidence-based advocacy for quality education for all Zambians. The niche of the Coalition is thus to conduct research, analysis, monitoring and influencing policy direction in the education and skills sector. In addition, ZANEC is known for mobilising Civil Society Organisations and communities through its Member Organisations located in various parts of the country, giving the Coalition its national character.
ZANEC envisions a “sustainable and inclusive education system that responds to national aspirations and fosters an environment of self-fulfilment”. Implementation of this vision needs different stakeholders including government, cooperating partners, non-governmental organizations, trade unions and student movements.
ZANEC has been running the student Research Mentorship Programme since 2018 with the support of Norwegian Students’ and Academics’ International Assistance Fund (SAIH). Since then, 30 students from various Private and Public Institutions of Higher Learning across the Country have been provided with technical and financial support to conduct academic style research on topical issues.
The ZANEC research mentorship programme is designed to enhance research skills, critical thinking as well as effective analytical and communication skills that are globally sought-after and incredibly beneficial for students pursuing higher education. With the advent of the COVID 19 pandemic, institutions of higher learning have had to close and open irregularly in order to combat the spread. This has resulted in learning loss among most students. One of the mitigation measures taken by higher learning institution is the introduction of the blended approach to learning. This approach has reduced individual student contact with lecturers, which is inevitable for research skills related mentorship. In order to address this challenge and mitigate the negative impact of COVID 19 on learning outcomes, ZANEC will support some students to enhance their undergraduate research skills.
To provide ten (10) students who are enrolled at any Zambian private or public university or college with an opportunity to enhance their research skills.
- Support identified students to conduct research on topical issues for the academic year 2021.
- Through the research findings, create evidence to support ZANEC’s advocacy on the promotion of inclusive societies and support academic freedoms in institutions of higher learning.
Successful applicants will conduct academic research. Preference will be given to research topics focusing on management of emotional, social and psychological well-being in institutions of higher learning, the impact on learning due to COVID 19 in institutions of higher learning. Other topics may include, but will not be limited to, impact of Cyber Act on academic freedoms, female participation and inclusive societies.
- Submit research proposal expressing interest in conducting research on any of the above provided topics, outlining focus, methodologies and timelines.
- Carry out academic research in a period of not more than two months (strictly).
- Timely submission of complete research document after two months of research work.
- Submit 2 hard copies and a soft copy of final research report to ZANEC.
- Must be an enrolled second or third year student at an institution of higher learning (University or College).
NB: All research proposals must be submitted through email or hand delivery to the address below by Wednesday, 23rd June, 2021.
The Executive Director,
Zambia National Education Coalition,
Baptist Fellowship Building,
Plot 3061/2 Corner Makishi Road and Great East Road,
P.O. Box 30774,
Email: admin@zanec.org.zm
Guiding Notes for Student Research Proposals:
Your research proposal should include but not limited to:
- Research Topic
- Statement of the problem
- Purpose (objectives of the study)
- Specific objective/s
- Methodology
- Literature Review
- Hypothesis
- Definition of terms
- Assumptions
Kindly note that the above is a guide to ensure that your proposal follows a standard structure.
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