The Zambia National Education Coalition (ZANEC) is calling for entries for the 2021 ZANEC Education Media Awards. The award-giving ceremony is conducted every year to recognize and reward journalists who have contributed towards the need for quality education in our country.
The objective of the awards is to promote reporting on the Education and Skills Sector to raise public awareness, understanding, participation and the need for the provision of quality education. Another emerging theme is the promotion of education in light of the COVID 19 pandemic. The entries must be based on one of the three (3) selected Education Sub Sectors namely:
- Skills and Tertiary Education – with a bias towards Academic Freedom and quality of education in Higher Institutions of Learning.
- Mitigating the Impact of COVID 19 on Education.
- Gender and Equity.
The article; program; documentary or video must demonstrate the author or producer’s understanding of the Education and Skills Sector at the barest minimum. The articles must also show well researched work or compiled by the author. Education articles specifically covering ZANEC positions will have an added advantage.
The awards are open for published and broadcasted works in print, radio, television or online media. Only journalists who are Zambian nationals are eligible for the competition. The competition is only open to individual journalists and not media institutions or organizations.
The entries shall be works published/broadcasted between 1st July 2020 and 30th September 2021
All works entered for the competition shall be in the English Language.
Entries shall consist of the following:
- Print Journalism: Features articles or stories published in mainstream newspapers, magazines, journals or newsletters.
- Radio Journalism: Documentaries or discussion programmes.
- Television Journalism: Documentaries or discussion programmes.
- Online/news media: Feature articles or stories published on online media.
Adjudication and Awards
The selection of winners will be done by an adjudication panel identified by ZANEC Secretariat with expertise in media and media development. The winners will get a monetary award, a trophy and a certificate.
Respects for copy rights
All entries submitted must be original and in conformity with copyright requirements and must have been published or broadcasted between 1st July 2020 and 30th September 2021.
- All submissions should be made to ZANEC by Monday, 26th October, 2021.
Further information on ZANEC can be obtained from:
- Website: www.zanec.org.zm
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Zambia-National-Education-Coalition-621828931225604/?ref=bookmarks
All submission are to be made to:
The Executive Director,
Zambia National Education Coalition,
Baptist Fellowship Building,
Plot 3061/2 Corner Makishi Road and Great East Road,
P.O. Box 30774,
Email: admin@zanec.org.zm / information@zanec.org.zm
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