The Guest of Honour Mr. Tevor Kaunda – Permanent Secretary Ministry of Finance and National Planning
PMRC Board and Staff Present
Members of the Press
ZANEC Members, Board and Staff Present
Civil Society Organisations Present
All Protocols observed
It is my singular honour and privilege to present these special remarks speech to you our distinguished guests. I welcome you all to this meeting. For those of you who may not be aware, Zambia National Education Coalition (ZANEC) is a Coalition of non-state actors working in the Education and Skills Sector. The organisation is involved in research, advocacy and member capacity building on different aspects of the Education and Skills Sector in Zambia. ZANEC members comprise of Community Based Organizations (CBOs), Faith Based Organizations (FBO’s), Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), Teacher Trade Unions and Student Unions. The membership of ZANEC currently stands at 89 Member Organisations spread across the country.
ZANEC is pleased that the training is being held in partnership with Policy Monitoring Research Center (PMRC). It is important to mention that the partnership dates from 2018 and 2019 when we successfully co-hosted the media awards. Indeed, two are better than one, the efforts put together have made it possible to have this training. As ZANEC are strong advocates of partnerships. In this workshop we are solidifying our partnership by signing a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) which you the media practitioners will witness.
Ladies and Gentlemen
ZANEC values the role the media plays in our society and thus our convening this training in line with the theme “The Role of Media in the Actualisation of the Vision 2030”. We are of the view that media is key in ensuring that the vision of the country is achieved through information dissemination. Therefore, it is important for you the media to understand the different aspects of development as well as the education sector so that you are able to give people the right information and also report from an informed perspective.
As ZANEC we are of the firm belief that the media is a key partner in development as they disseminate information to the public and decision makers. Therefore, media can play an important role in contributing to national development by creating awareness on the national development plans. Further media also creates awareness on the importance of education to the public. Additionally, the media is a key advocate in ensuring that the government and decision makers make favorable policies as well as increasing financing to the Education and Skills as well as other development sectors.
As we are all aware education is key to national development and safe guards everyone’s future, therefore, it should be noted that education is an important sector that media needs to raise awareness on. This is because for national development to be fostered there is need for educated and skilled labour which is human capital.
Ladies and Gentlemen
ZANEC would like to thank Norwegian Students and Academic International Assistance Fund (SALH) for the financial support that has made it possible to hold this training and other many advocacy activities related to academic freedom in higher institutions.
I urge you all to participate fully in the deliberations of this meeting and share and disseminate widely the information and knowledge you will get from this workshop.
I thank you all and God bless
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