The Zambia National Education Coalition (ZANEC) would like to add its voice to the current debate on the nullified 8778 results.
The Examinations Council of Zambia (ECZ) Director Dr. Michael Chilala announced on 19th December 2022, that 8778 results for both GCE and Grade 9 external examinations were nullified out of the 143,351 candidates who sat for the 2022 external examinations.
It is puzzling that 6.1% of those who sat for the examinations had their results nullified. This begs for serious answers from ECZ as well as school managers on how the examination systems were so porous as to allow so many candidates to be involved in malpractices. It is common knowledge that examinations are seriously invigilated by teachers and security officers in the various examination centres. How then were the pupils able to involve themselves in this malpractice?
Furthermore, we would like to know what criteria ECZ used to nullify the results because while it may have been possible for the candidates to have involved themselves in malpractice, nullifying so many results shows that there are serious loopholes within the examination system that allows for examination malpractices to occur. This creates room for doubt on the calibre of school leavers we have in Zambia as well as the standards of examinations we administer in this Country.
We are, therefore, appealing to all CSOs and stakeholders to put ECZ to task as they are the custodians of exams in Zambia. If we let the authorities heap the blame on the candidates only, we risk failing to address the root causes.
I thank you and God bless you all.
George Hamusunga.
Executive Director
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