The Zambia National Education Coalition (ZANEC) is pleased that the Minister of Education Honourable Douglas Syakalima MP released the 2024 Primary School Leaving (PSL) and Junior Secondary School Leaving (JSSL) Examination Results on 23rd December 2024. It is good that there were no leakages recorded at both PSL and JSSL examinations. This is commendable for the Examinations Council of Zambia (ECZ) and other stakeholders in the Ministry of Education to continue with this trend of no leakages during the examinations. It is also good that the results of candidates who were involved in malpractices have been withheld pending determination by the appropriate Committee of the ECZ Board. Indeed, for those involved in malpractice, the law should take its course accordingly.
On the actual results released 543,069 candidates registered at 2024 PSL examination representing an increase of 8.04% compared to candidates that registered in 2023. Further, 325,108 candidates entered for the 2024 JSSL examination representing an increase of 3.6% compared to the candidature in 2023. It is commendable that there was an increase in 2024 in the total of candidates that registered for both PSL and JSSL examinations compared to 2023. The increase in the number of candidates sitting for examinations can be attributed to free education. We are also pleased that yet again there was no automatic progression to Grade 8 or form one as the trend had compromised the quality of education at secondary school level.
It is commendable that in 2024 there was an increase in the number of candidates who obtained certificates and progressed to the next level at both PSL and JSSL examination results compared to 2023.
ZANEC is pleased that the principle of not leaving any child behind is being applied as the Ministry of Education will ensure that the learners who did not meet the standard for selection to Grade 8 or Form One are accorded a chance to repeat primary education, while those who were absent will be brought back to school within the year 2025. Additionally, learners who wrote the 2024 Junior Secondary External (JSE) examination in July and obtained the Junior Secondary School Leaving Certificate are eligible for enrolment into Grade 10 in 2025.
ZANEC is also pleased that the Minister of Education in his statement also highlighted the Implementation process of the 2023 Zambia Education Curriculum Framework.
However, ZANEC is saddened with: –
- There is still a need to address the 35.53% of the candidates who had entered the examination and would not proceed to secondary school in 2025 due to absenteeism and not meeting the pass rate for PSL.
- Even though there was an improvement as 55.89% obtained a Junior Secondary School Leaving (JSSL) Certificate representing an increase of 2.34% rate compared to the 2023 examination results, it is still a minimum as we cannot be having 44.11% of candidates not proceeding to the next level because of not meeting the cut-off point and absenteeism.
To this effect, ZANEC is recommending the following measures to address the above challenges: –
- There is a need for the new curriculum 2023 to be allocated adequate funds for the implementation to be done according to the proposal by the Ministry of Education.
- There is a need to continue increasing investment in improving the learning outcomes at both primary and secondary levels to reduce the failure rate.
Finally, we urge our parents and guardians to prepare adequately for the children to return to school by 13th January and for form 1 by 10th February 2024.
Henry Kabwe
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