
This call for Expression of Interest relates to a new advocacy and social accountability funding mechanism of the Global Partnership for Education (GPE) called Education Out Loud (EOL) EOL is the largest fund in the world dedicated to supporting capacity building of civil society and enhancing their engagement in education policy processes. It is funded by GPE and managed by Oxfam IBIS as the grant agent.


The overall Goal of Education Out Loud is: Enhance civil society capacity to further GPE 2020 goals in learning, equity, and stronger systems, by improving the participation of civil society, their efforts to strengthen advocacy and to ensure transparency and increased effectiveness in national educational policy and implementation processes

Education Out Loud has three objectives namely:

1.Strengthen national civil society engagement in education planning, policy dialogue and monitoring;

2. Strengthen civil society roles in promoting the transparency and accountability of national education sector policy and implementation; and

3. Create a stronger global and transnational enabling environment for national civil society advocacy and transparency efforts.

The Learning Agenda

Education Out Loud has a specific focus and interest on learning and capacity building of CSOs. The Learning Agenda approach aims at supporting grantees in developing organizational, thematic and advocacy competences through capacity building, learning and adaptive management to enhance relevance, effectiveness and efficiency of program interventions. As part of the capacity building agenda, each grantee has developed a learning plan which outlines its learning needs and objectives and now require experts/learning partners to facilitate the learning  process. The Learning Partner will be responsible for designing and delivering capacity building initiatives derived from the grantees learning plans. The pre-qualification is for the period 2020-Dec 2021.


The delivery of capacity building plans/initiatives will be done through two approaches;

1.Online, electronic, digital delivery- the learning partner will use technology such as zoom, skype, teams, GoToMeetings, video conferencing etc. to delivery capacity building initiatives to groups of grantees

2. Physical/face to face delivery – in instances where it is completely necessary and it is not possible to use online delivery approach, the learning partner may travel to the country where grantee is resident and deliver face to face capacity building initiative.

Required qualification/competencies:

  • Demonstrate strong experience of working with CSOs, including alliances, coalitions and community-based civil society actors;
  • Demonstrate strong expertise in relevant thematic or organizational fields.
  • Presentation of strong grounding in the global South;
  • Capacity to work in relevant languages as per grantee needs especially English, French and Arabic.
  • Capacity to work with the human rights approach, differentiated analysis and gender perspective
  • Demonstrate experience of working in conflict or fragile contexts;
  • Demonstrate an understanding of and experience of working with an adaptive learning agenda and participatory adult learning
  • Demonstrated expertise, competence and experience in conducting capacity building activities
  • Demonstrated expertise and experience in use of Information Communication Technology (ICT) to deliver capacity building initiatives

The call

Oxfam IBIS therefore invite application from expert organizations or institutions (NGOs, INGOs, Academic/Research, Consultancies etc.) who will act as Learning Partners (LPs) to support capacity building of Grantees/Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) in the Horn, East and Southern Africa (generally Anglophone Africa) and specifically in the following countries: Ethiopia, Kenya, Tanzania, Rwanda, Uganda, Sudan, South Sudan, Somalia, Somaliland, Eswatini (formerly Swaziland), Lesotho, Malawi, Nigeria, Zambia, Zimbabwe and Yemen. Applicants may apply to provide capacity building in one country or in a collection of countries depending on their location and resource capabilities.

Applicants must also state clearly their areas of competency from amongst the following broad organizational and thematic areas: Project management, reporting and documentation, Communication skills and media engagement, Policy advocacy (including in conflict and emergency situations), Action research, MEAL, Rights-based programming, Resource mobilization and sustainability, Strategic planning, networking and partnership building, Governance, leadership and management, Organizational development, Disaster risk reduction in conflict zones, Gender and inclusion, Financial management, Audit and Accountability.

Submission details

Applications must be written in English and sent by email to and addressed to;

The Regional Education Advisor-EOL, East and Southern Africa, Oxfam IBIS.

Not later than 10th July 2020, 23:59hrs.

Note: Organizations/institutions receiving funding from Education Out Loud are not Eligible to apply.

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